Leverage the power and flexibility of FreeFlyer Astrodynamics Software in your next mission. FreeFlyer provides complete astrodynamics functionality for missions of any size, any scale, any orbit regime, ITAR-free. With heritage on over 250 missions, customizable interfaces, and easy integration into modern ground systems architectures, FreeFlyer supports the full lifecycle of your mission. Your guide to the best, most reliable flight dynamics software begins here.

Flying today's most exciting missions

International Space Station

FreeFlyer computes all the flight dynamics for daily operations of the International Space Station (ISS).


FreeFlyer powers the JSWT Flight Dynamics Ground System and computed launch window and insertion maneuver analysis.

Lunar Gateway

NASA uses FreeFlyer to optimize Gateway's NRHO and to model atittude for power and communications planning.

Dream Chaser

FreeFlyer and Meridian are the backbone of the flight dynamics ground system for Dream Chaser.

Magnetospheric Multiscale

FreeFlyer powers complex maneuver planning to maintain the 4-satellite tetrahedron in a highly elliptical orbit.

Astrodynamics building blocks at your fingertips

Spaceflight-proven algorithms under the hood.

Orbit Propagation Features

Suite of high-fidelity integrators and ephemeris formats

Force modeling including gravitational spherical harmonics, 3rd body effects, solar radiation pressure, lift and drag

Model and analyze constellations and relative motion dynamics

Contact Analysis Features

Space-based and ground-based sensors with customizable pointing and field of view

Compute line-of-sight, AOS/LOS intervals, shadow passes, node crossings, close approaches, and more

Compute chains of access and coverage metrics

Maneuver Planning Features

Impulsive, finite duration high-thrust, and continuous low thrust maneuver modeling

High-fidelity tank, thruster, and valve models

Delta-V and fuel consumption analysis

Optimization Features

Complete control over objective functions, state variables, and constraints

Generic optimization plus optimal control

SNOPT, Ipopt, and NLopt integration

Orbit Determination Features

Suite of estimators for different conops: Batch Least Squares, Extended Kalman Filter, Unscented Kalman Filter, and Square Root Information Filter

Supports built-in and user-defined measurement models and observation file formats

Covariance analysis, sensor calibration, maneuver estimation, observation simulation, and more

Next generation script editing

Type less, analyze more.

FreeFlyer's scripting environment does more than let you control the inputs, outputs, and logical flow of your simulations. It empowers you to innovate. Imagine scripting a custom model for solar panel energy output that aligns precisely with your mission's parameters. FreeFlyer makes this possible, providing a platform where the only limit is your imagination. FreeFlyer 8’s all-new parser and code editor make scripting faster and easier than ever before.

Customizable Logic


Employ powerful logic operators like For, While, and If/Else to build sophisticated mission sequences.

Advanced Automation

Auto-complete matches text in any position

Automate complex tasks with hundreds of built-in and user-defined astrodynamics computations.

Integrated Development Environment


Enjoy a robust IDE with features like IntelliSense, auto-complete, and a built-in debugger to streamline your scripting.

Efficient Error Handling


Swiftly identify and resolve issues with comprehensive errormanagement tools.

Lightning fast visualization

No bottlenecks between you and your results.

FreeFlyer 8’s rendering engine uses an all-new, non-blocking graphics pipeline so the astrodynamics engine can run faster than ever.

RF Link Visualization
RF Link Visualization
RF Link Visualization
RF Link Visualization
RF Link Visualization
RF Link Visualization
RF Link Visualization

Integrates with your tool suite

Embed FreeFlyer in workflows from mission concept to operations

C Language
C++ Language
C# Language
Python Language
Java Language

FreeFlyer Runtime API

Automate FreeFlyer execution from Python, Java, C/C++, and C#.

The FreeFlyer Runtime Application Program Interface (API) empowers organizations to seamlessly integrate advanced astrodynamics capabilities into their existing systems. By enabling programmatic execution of FreeFlyer Mission Plans and scripts, the API supports applications such as real-time ground system integration, streamlined data management, and enhanced automation workflows. It facilitates distributed processing, allowing tasks like database queries or socket communication to be offloaded to host applications while FreeFlyer engines run asynchronously. This flexibility makes the FreeFlyer API an ideal solution for mission operations, space situational awareness, and other complex aerospace applications requiring efficient, scalable, and customizable solutions.

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FreeFlyer Extensions

  • Connect to any third party library.
  • Plugin points for custom orbital forces and OD sovle-fors.

FreeFlyer forum

Ease of Integration

  • Seamlessly integrate with industry standard applications.
  • FreeFlyer comes ready to connect with MATLAB, Databases, JSON, and more.

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Bring Your Own Frontend

  • No need for our IDE? No problem!
  • Embed FreeFlyer’s flight-proven algorithms in your ground system or mission design tools.

FreeFlyer case studies

Case studies and papers to inspire your mission

Researching innovative approaches for flight dynamics and space ground systems.

Wrangling Chaos: Leveraging Flight Dynamics Tools for Cislunar Trajectory Design

Date: October 31, 2023

Cislunar space has been one of the most up and coming topics in our industry. Recent years have brought a lot of activity and attention to the domain. NASA is leading...

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Overcoming Observation Obstacles in Cislunar Space for Safe & Successful Exploration

Date: September 1, 2023

Cislunar space is the volume containing the Earth, the Moon, and just beyond the Moon. The region is not rigorously defined; however, it is a regime where...

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Navigating the Space Frontier: Addressing the Challenges in SSA with FreeFlyer

Date: August 14, 2023

Space has increasingly become a theater for complex operations, as nations deploy satellites for various purposes. The recent incident involving a...

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Stationkeeping, Orbit Determination, and Attitude Control for Spacecraft in Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits

Date: June 19, 2023

From a Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit (NRHO), NASA’s Gateway at the Moon is planned to serve as a proving ground and a staging location for human missions beyond Earth.

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Change of Inertia Tensor Due to a Severed Radial Boom for Spinning Spacecraft

Date: March 29, 2023

The spin-stabilized spacecraft is a convenient platform for the measurement of magnetic and electric fields, plasma properties, and other physical phenomena...

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For the next generation of Astrodynamicists

FreeFlyer is available for FREE for university use.

Join the many universities across the world already using the FreeFlyer astrodyamics software as a part of their curriculum.

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Our support team is staffed entirely by experienced spacecraft mission design and operations professionals.

Knowledgeable team accessible by email or phone

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Powered by FreeFlyer

FreeFlyer's astrodynamics engine powers our suite of products.

Our family of products , all powered by FreeFlyer’s astrodynamics engine, designed for every role from mission operations to observation simulation, mission planning, situational awareness displays, and exploration of the cislunar regime and beyond.

A solution that is right for you

a.i. solutions provides mission services solutions to both government, civil, and commercial space agencies.